24 Hour Access

In an effort to remain as accessible as possible, the Graduate Student Commons offers 24 hour access to all currently enrolled graduate students at UCSC. Interested in learning more? See below for instructions on how to gain access!


24/hr Access:

In order to access the building after hours, all grads will need their ID Card and a 5-digit pin.  

PLEASE NOTE, you’ve automatically been given ID CARD Access and a 5 digit PIN.  ITS Physical Security set this up on your behalf and emailed you a 5 digit PIN.

If you don’t know your pin number, first check your email with a SUBJECT: PIN ACCESS GRAD COMMONS.

If you are having difficulties gaining access or  you can’t find your 5 digit PIN, submit a request ticket for help at  ITS Physical Security Request Service.

How To Access Building After Hours With Your ID Card & 5 Digit PIN:

1. Tap student ID card on the card reader attached to the door. You should see a green light flash on the reader if your card was read successfully

2. After tapping your card and seeing the green light flash, input your 5-digit pin using the keypad on the card reader

3. If your pin was set up successfully, the handle to the door should unlock

24/Hr Access Guidelines Agreement:

In order to use the Graduate Student Commons after hours, all grads must agree to the following:

I, as a Graduate student, student government officer or student government employee, agree to adhere to these guidelines regarding twenty-four hour access to the Graduate Student Commons. I understand that I have general responsibility for the safety and security of the building, its contents, and the people in the building as outlined in this contract. I acknowledge having read and understood the contents of this contract when accessing the GSC 24/hr.

  1. Doors may Not be propped open.
  2. Visitors must be on official graduate or student government related business and escorted by an officer and/or Graduate Student on official business. Visitors must leave the building when officers leave.
  3. Officers assume individual and cooperative liability for missing and/or damaged furniture and/or equipment.
  4. No smoking, parties, or overnight sleeping permitted.
  5. Pinholders agree to notify the Graduate Student Commons staff if they become aware of any facility maintenance problems.
  6. Fires in the fireplace are not allowed.
  7. Parties/events require the prior approval by the Graduate Student Commons Facilities Manager with the agreement of the Graduate Student Commons Governance Board.